We're small,
we're not skilled at PvP,
we didn't complete PvE...
...but we'll grow,


Warheads Gewra Troop

Here it begins and here's the telling of it.
Reality twists and space/time folds.
The folds touch and mystic wormholes open.
This world is but a leap from another for those who know the way.
Know this now - you're insubstantial, for all flesh,
All matter is but concentrated energy, and to energy you must return.
This is where the wormhole open.
Here you shall tread into the unknown.
Do you tremble? Will you falter?

NO! Say I -
Master Key

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Home arrow Articles arrow Warheads Gewra Troop arrow A requiem... ...for the decomposing ?
A requiem... ...for the decomposing ?
Written by Cyberman Mastermind   
Friday, 08 February 2008
Usually, a requiem is made for someone who recently died, or is about to.
Sometimes, however, it is not possible to do the last rites until very late...

Since all things have a beginning, all things must have an end. To ignore the inevitable, to try and keep the end away does no good, only prolong the suffering at best.
A guild does not live, so it will not die as long as it's name is registered. Yet, what is a guild without members? What is an account that is not used, a character not directed - a game not played? What, ...if not dead?

As troop leader, or guild master, whatever you want to call it, it is my sad duty to write these lines I'm typing now. This site never saw much action, our guild members were all too casual a player to have a lot of newsworthy events. Nor did we seek mindless attention, only if it is well-deserved, or of interest to others, as has been our excursion to Balthasars Temple in Maguuma Jungle(Continent Tyria).
Even so, with what little attention it got, it still was something.
It gave us, if not purpose, at least a feeling of home - a place to point towards and say "That's us, over there.".
The last years, though, were devastating.
As fast as our ranks seemed to grow, they now declined - casual players becomming infrequent players - those who were infrequent players before stopped playing altogether.
We never were many, but now we almost disappeared.
The few remaining fought valiantly, but like trying to turn back a tide, we knew the end was at hand. What good would it do us to continue a fight, if we know the battle, if not the war itself, is lost already?

One of the last to leave the guild was Scuba Max. He decided to join another guild whose members he had met on the battlefield before, knowing them to be good folks.
Where he fought on, the rest of us lost all hope. As the last to remain in the guild, I took it upon me to at least appear in the guild hall from time to time.
Looking back at good times, trying to relive some of the events by playing with NPC henchmen, and later Heroes, I tried to keep the guild alive.
Yet, as is always the case, where one thing ends, another begins. As my interest for Guild Wars dwindled, my interest in another game increased - Eve Online. It cost us our officer already, by now it has taken our troop leader as well.

Still, I refuse to abandon the guild. I will continue to be online, if just for a minute, to keep the guild alive, even if I'm to be the only one, the last one. I will not change to another guild or leave the game completely.
For who truly knows what the future will bring? Perhaps with Guild Wars 2, our troop will rise from the dead, regain or even surpass its former glory and fight on, another fight, on another day.

Nothing is every truly dead - as long as someone remembers...
Last Updated ( Monday, 27 August 2012 )
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